
hairy peach Learn more about hairy peach

  • Hairy peach

    Hairy peach

    The fruit of hairy peach can be eaten fresh, and hairy peach is one of the best rootstocks for grafted seedlings. There are 25000 mu of flowers and trees in Shengzhou, about 1 ax 3 for fruit seedlings, which need a large number of rootstocks, but rootstocks are extremely scarce in our province. Hairy peach seed is the best rootstock variety for peaches, plums and other fruits. Our province imports 15 million kilograms of peach seeds every year from Jiangxi, Anhui, Hunan, Guangxi, * and Gansu. The demand of Shengzhou City is 1.5 million kg, accounting for 10% of the total input of the province. There is a bright future for the development of hairy peach production. Generally per mu of land

  • What are the effects and effects of "Lingnan famous medicine" five fingers hairy peach? Who can't eat? What can I make soup with?

    What are the effects and effects of

    Five-finger hairy peach, also known as coarse-leaf banyan, three dragon claws, sub-branches, five-claw dragon, five-finger milk, as a kind of grass plant, although it can not be eaten directly, it is often eaten by people as a kind of medicinal material, especially in the process of cooking.

    2020-11-09 " Lingnan famous medicine five fingers hairy peach efficacy and effect
  • How much is the market price of peaches per jin? The difference between hairy peach and hairy peach!

    How much is the market price of peaches per jin? The difference between hairy peach and hairy peach!

    Peach is a kind of fruit with good taste in peach. it is deeply loved by foodie because of its much moisture, sweet juice, large size and easy preservation. The most important thing is that it has the effect of detumescence and diuresis. How much is the market price of peach? What's the difference between Mao peach and Mao peach?

    2020-11-09 Peach market price more less money one jin and hairy peach
  • The latest planting method of Peach with five fingers

    The latest planting method of Peach with five fingers

    Five-finger hairy peach is a mulberry plant, although the name has peach words, but does not belong to peach, because the leaves look very similar to human five fingers, and the fruit is similar to hairy peach, so it is called five-fingered hairy peach. The five-finger hairy peach has the work of relaxing muscles and activating collaterals, promoting qi and promoting dampness, etc.

    2020-11-10 The latest five fingers hairy peach planting method yes
  • Planting method of five-finger hairy peach

    Planting method of five-finger hairy peach

    Planting method of five-finger hairy peach

  • How much is the price of juicy peach seeds per jin? What are the techniques of sowing and raising seedlings? When will it be mature and go on sale? Attach the trend of the market

    How much is the price of juicy peach seeds per jin? What are the techniques of sowing and raising seedlings? When will it be mature and go on sale? Attach the trend of the market

    Deciduous trees of hairy peach, up to 10 meters high, petals Obovate or suborbicular, light pink or white; various breeding methods and easy cultivation techniques. So how much is the seed price of hairy peach per jin? What are the techniques of sowing and raising seedlings? When will it be mature and go on sale? Market

    2020-11-09 Succulent juicy hairy peach seed price more less money one jin sow
  • How much is the plant "five-finger hairy peach" per jin? What are the planting prospects? How do you plant it? What is the main place of origin?

    How much is the plant

    The five-finger peach belongs to the Moraceae plant, not a peach. It is widely distributed in the mountains of Meizhou Hakka area in eastern Guangdong. It is named because its leaves look like five fingers, the leaves have fine hairs, and the fruit looks like a peach when it is ripe. So how much is the five-finger peach per jin? What are the planting prospects? How do you plant it? How much is the five-finger peach per jin?

  • What is the seed propagation method of five-finger hairy peach?

    What is the seed propagation method of five-finger hairy peach?

    Although the five-finger hairy peach has a peach character, it is not a peach, but a plant with high medicinal value, which is planted in the south. The following is to introduce the methods of seed propagation. What is the seed propagation method of five-finger hairy peach? 1. Soil preparation to promote sprouting and planting

    2020-11-08 Five fingers hairy peach seed reproduction method yes how five fingers
  • Cultivation techniques of hairless peach

    Cultivation techniques of hairless peach

    Mao peach series of fruits are deeply loved by consumers because of their large size, small stone, juicy, sweet taste and other advantages. In recent years, with the development of nectarine varieties, the appearance quality of peach fruits has been affected by the furry skin of the fruit, and its development has been affected to some extent. In order to overcome the shortcomings of the appearance quality of hairy peach, we conducted many experiments on hairy peach varieties such as Yuhua dew, golden peach, Okubo, Diaozhibai, Qiufengmi and so on. A set of cultivation and management techniques were summarized to reduce the hairs on the peach pericarp surface and improve the appearance quality of the fruit.

  • "hairless" cultivation techniques of Mao Peach

    Mao peach series of fruits are deeply loved by consumers because of their large size, small stone, juicy, sweet taste and other advantages. In recent years, with the development of nectarine varieties, the appearance quality of peach fruits has been affected by the furry skin of the fruit, and its development has been affected to some extent. In order to overcome the shortcomings of the appearance quality of hairy peach, we conducted many experiments on hairy peach varieties such as Yuhua dew, golden peach, Okubo, Diaozhibai, Qiufengmi and so on. A set of cultivation and management techniques were summarized to reduce the hairs on the peach pericarp surface and improve the appearance quality of the fruit.

  • Cui Jianbin grows the most "cow" hairy peach in China.

    Cui Jianbin grows the most

    Cui Jianbin grows the most "cow" hairy peach in China.

  • Five-finger peach planting yield per mu

    Five-finger peach planting yield per mu

    The yield per mu of Wuzhi hairy peach is about 5000 jin, and its rhizome has high medicinal value, which is beneficial to invigorating the spleen and lung, promoting qi and promoting dampness, etc., and its economic value is relatively high, and it has been planted in many places in China. First, the economic price of five-finger peach

    2020-11-08 Five fingers hairy peach planting yield per mu summary five fingers
  • Health food five-finger hairy peach

    Health food five-finger hairy peach

    Five-finger peach, commonly known as wild loquat, Tubeiqi, five-claw dragon and so on, is a small shrub or small tree plant. It is 8 meters high, with milk, fragrant root bark, hard hairs on stems, leaves and fruits, and leaves cracking like palms. Most of them are born in hillside open land, valley, water side or bushes, and the main use part is the root. It is a kind of plant with good medicinal value. It has a pungent, sweet and flat taste, which is beneficial to replenishing deficiency of qi, relieving depression, strengthening muscles and activating collaterals, invigorating spleen and resolving dampness, relieving cough and resolving phlegm. At present, it has been developed for health food therapy, and it has been made.

  • When will the peach ripen

    When will the peach ripen

    When will the peach ripen

  • Chashan morning honey (hairy peach)

    Chashan morning honey (hairy peach)

    The main results are as follows: 1 169 natural pollinated seeds of pure Yuhualu peach were selected and bred in July 1994. After stratification treatment, 126 seedlings of progeny were obtained in 1995. they were numbered 001Mui 126 respectively and planted in Chashan practice Base of Linyi normal University in 1996. From 1998 to 1999, five lines with better performance were grafted in the high-tech experimental park and production park of Chashan base in 2000. After 3 years of character observation, 026 showed early fruit and fruit.

  • When will the latest peaches ripen

    When will the latest peaches ripen

    Peach is a small deciduous tree of the rose family. The fruit is usually called peach. It is fresh and delicious, juicy and sweet, and rich in nutritional value. Many people like to eat it, but peaches are not found in every season. So friends who like to eat peaches may care about peaches.

    2020-11-10 The latest peach when mature for rose family peach genus
  • What are the latest common peach varieties?

    What are the latest common peach varieties?

    Most people know that peaches can be divided into nectarines, yellow peaches, peaches, hairy peaches and flat peaches. But in fact, we common these kinds of peaches are also different varieties. Generally speaking, it is not easy for us to distinguish. Today, my main purpose is to

    2020-11-10 The latest common peach variety which Lord must have
  • Hairy peach variety: Chashan early honey

    Hairy peach variety: Chashan early honey

    The main results are as follows: 1 169 natural pollinated seeds of pure Yuhualu peach were selected and bred in July 1994. After stratification treatment, 126 seedlings of progeny were obtained in 1995. they were numbered 001Mui 126 respectively and planted in Chashan practice Base of Linyi normal University in 1996. From 1998 to 1999, five lines with better performance were grafted in the high-tech experimental park and production park of Chashan base in 2000. After 3 years of character observation, 026 showed early fruit.

  • What is the most expensive variety of peaches? Take stock of 4 good peaches

    What is the most expensive variety of peaches? Take stock of 4 good peaches

    Peach is a very popular kind of fruit in the market, and there are many kinds of fruit grown in our country, such as peach, hairy peach, flat peach, nectarine and so on. Their fruits have different colors and taste, which can meet the needs of different people.

    2020-11-27 The most expensive peach what is variety inventory big Jiapin
  • Peach varieties: what are the best peach varieties? Which varieties are popular?

    Peach varieties: what are the best peach varieties? Which varieties are popular?

    China is a big peach growing country, which is rich in variety resources, and its cultivation technology is in the leading position in the world. Therefore, in recent years, although some peach varieties have been introduced from abroad, it has not had a great impact on peach production in China. In China's seedling market last year, the more popular peach varieties are almost all local varieties. So, what kind of peach is more popular at present? Zhang Shubin, a researcher at the Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, answered this question. Experts in the industry usually divide peaches into white peaches and nectarines according to their appearance characteristics.
